Ascending from the crisis of career change

a testimonial


I did not know my career and self-worth were so tightly intertwined until my livelihood took a 90 degree turn

I've known Kris since the 8th grade – when rainbow sweaters and Guess jeans roamed the halls (heaven help us!). She was my friend then; she's my angel now. Though we haven't been in the same room in almost 30 years, Kris SEES me with clearer eyes than anyone I know.

Whether we are talking via phone or exchanging email, Kris will respond, "I am seeing..." It's very interesting, as she is always right (!), and yet she is not in the room with me. Her perceptiveness knows no boundaries.

I will tell you this: the closest I have come to "New Age" ideas is Molly Shannon's character in Serendipity (such a great movie!). I don't know what Life Readings and Truth Mappings are, but I do know this: Kris arrested my descent and helped me climb back to ME, so if that's what she calls her work, I'm on board!

I treasure my time with her. Each communication, even if it's just a string of text messages, leave me with an incredible feeling of weightlessness and ascension. She is a beacon in a stormy night.